Women Advancement Organization




Munuki Block "B" Behind EB Clinic,
Juba South Sudan

Youth Empowerment Activity graduation in Kapoeta North

The second graduation ceremony was conducted by WAO in partnership with EDC with the support of the USAID funding in March 2024 in Riwoto payam in Kapoeta North Eastern Equatoria State South Sudan.

Over 2,000 beneficiaries have been graduated under the Youth Empowerment Activity for the Literacy and Numeracy program in Kapoeta and Wau by WAO and EDC and more classes are ongoing and to be graduated in year 3 and 4.
WAO stands committed with EDC/USAID to meet the mission of reaching over 10,000 youth for the 4 years project in Kapoeta North, Budi, Wau, and Jur river (Eastern Equatoria and Western Barel Ghazel States).

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