Women Advancement Organization




Munuki Block "B" Behind EB Clinic,
Juba South Sudan

Past & Current Project

Project Description DonarPeriod
Youth Empowerment activities integrated Basic Education, Entrepreneurship trainings, Reproductive Health, Gender and social inclusion, and peace building. (10,000 youth targeted in Kapoeta, Budi, Wau and Jur River counties).
Eastern Equatorial State-(Kapoeta, Budi, Wau and Jur River)2022 to 2026
Training 2260 out of school youth in Vocational trainings- western Bahar el-Ghazel –WauWestern Bahar El ghazel State/Norwagian Refugee council (NRC)2022 March to March 2024
360 women and girls trainings in social economic in YeiSafer WorldNovember 2021 to date, (On going).
Gender and Advocacy women led consortium in JubaStrategic Initiative in the Horn of Africa (SIHA)2021
‘Supporting Effective Humanitarian Partnership (SEHP)’Save the ChildrenMAY – November, 2021 (7 Months)
Enhance the capacities of service providers in different
security sector institutions to promote women and girls rights in Yei.
UN-WOMEN1st March 2021 to 30th August 2021
Education in emergency Focusing on ALP, Peace building integrated with Gender based violence awareness raising, Conflict analysis, Functional numeracy and literacy.
Technical Vocational training in; Tailoring, catering, handcraft, Computer application, Electrical and solar installation, Masonry, carpentry, welding and metal fabrication, Hairdressing, and business skills development
targeting women & adolescent out of school Girls and Boys.
United Nations International Children Emergency Fund
Year 2016 to 2020
Integrated Gender based violence, (Awareness raising, workshops, Campaigns, Radio talk show, Cultural festivals, 16th days of activism, public discourse, distribution of sanitary kits to 123 schools, Food security and livelihood,9Agribusimness), peace building and dialogues, establishment of women and girls friendly space, Functional Numeracy and Literacy, tailoring, catering, handcraft, VSLA and
business skills, targeting women and girls, men, boys.
Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA)Year 2016 to 2024
Financial literacy Under FFA project GBV awareness raising.
Vegetable production & school feeding program, Face mask
Production to slow down covid-19 Under FLA and Menstrual
hygiegne kits for supplying to 84 schools in Juba and Wau.
World Food Programs (WFP)Year 2018 to 2021
TVET consultative workshops on unification of TVET policies in six states of South Sudan (Yambio, Rumbek, Torit, Abyei and Malakal) Training Vocational Trainings in computer application, functional literacy, tailoring, catering, handcraft, Vegetable production, liquid soap, carpentry, masonry, Metal fabrication and welding, hair dressing, Bakery, electrical engineering & solar installation and business skills targeting
vulnerable women, boys and girls in Juba, and Wau.
United Nations Education and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) In collaboration with Ministry of General
Education and Instruction ( MoGEI)
Year 2017- 2023.
Adult literacy Tailoring skills and food processing programs.African Educational Trust (AET)Year 2015_2016
Peace building integrated with Gender based violence and Psycho social supportGlobal Fund for Women2017
Tailoring and business skills, and functional literacy targeting vulnerable women and girlsGermany Embassy, South Sudan.2015 to 2016
Yes we can CampaignUNMISS1st march 2020- 30th April 2020
Training women on Restaurant and Bakery skillsSally UK
Trauma healing and training on making reusable sanitary kitsCherish Mothers
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