Women Advancement Organization




Munuki Block "B" Behind EB Clinic,
Juba South Sudan

Mission & Vision

Geographical Coverage

Central Equatorial, Western Bahar El Ghazel, Lake’s state, Western Equatorial, Jonglei state, Upper Nile, Unity, Eastern and Western Equatoria States and one administrative area of Abie.

Our Vision

Resilient society with sustainable services.

Our Mission

To reduce illiteracy among women and out of school youth, improve their livelihoods, protect their rights and increase their participation in socio-economic activities.


Our Core values

• Integrity, Accountability and transparency.
• Adherence to do no harm principle and neutrality.
• Equity and justice
• Effective partnership(Development actors, Government, private sector and community engagement)
• Compassion and solidarity with the conflict and disaster affected community.

Our Mandate

To empower women to participate in, social and economic development in order to achieve their potential.

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